再融资你的抵押贷款可以有 大的好处
我们知道你的财务状况会随着时间的推移而改变, 和 the loan you received when you first bought your home may need to change to better align with your current plans 和 finances. 你是否想缩短贷款期限, 降低你的利率, 或者从你的家里获得股权, 再融资是一个帮助你实现目标的聪明方法.
当你再融资时,你用一笔新的贷款取代了你目前的抵押贷款. Your new mortgage will have a different rate (adjustable or fixed-rate options are available), 每月的付款, 总的来说(从10中选择,15, 20或30年). There are several reasons you may want to refinance, but here are some of the most common:
- 降低你的利率或月供
- 随着时间的推移节省利息
- 换一个不同的贷款期限来满足短期或长期的目标
- 更快还清贷款
- 从你的房屋净值中提取现金